Gracehill After School Club was established by Gillian Finnegan in 2009. Since then, Gillian along with her dedicated team have built a vision of a beautiful safe place at the heart of the Gracehill community in the purpose built historical Old School House.
Gracehill After School Club is a place where young children between the ages of 4-11 years can come to and experience professional and quality care during the school term and holiday periods.
Gillian Finnegan
“As parents you can be assured your children are well looked after by our dedicated, caring and qualified staff at Gracehill After School Club.”
What we offer
Our Staff
Opening Hours
Breakfast Club 7:30am – 8:30am
After School Club 2pm-6pm
Holiday Club 7:30am – 6pm
After School Club 2pm-6pm
Holiday Club 7:30am – 6pm
After School Club
Gracehill After School Club has a lot too keep your child amused whilst having their best interests at the heart. Our club has plenty to offer in terms of physical and educational activities, and we offer:
• School pick up from local primary
• School Snacks and meals
• Library and home corner
• DVD’s, computers and games consoles
• Outdoor play area (school playground)
• School Snacks and meals
• Library and home corner
• DVD’s, computers and games consoles
• Outdoor play area (school playground)
Our outdoor play area offers a variety of sport and game facilities to keep your children active. We also offer structured daily activity programmes throughout school holidays including arts, crafts, cookery, visits and excursions.
Breakfast Club
The breakfast club is available at no cost to children who attend the club after school. The children receive breakfast before being dropped off to school by staff.
Holiday Club
The holiday club operates if any school is on holiday. During the summer holidays we organise several outings or activities for the children. Other activities are planned at Easter and Christmas, our annual Christmas dinner being very popular with the children.
Parents and children are welcome to view the facilities at any time and no appointment is necessary.
19A Church Road
Co. Antrim,
BT42 2NL
+44 (0)28 2563 8099
An MCC Site